The Internet and the World Wide Web

Lucy Duke


Blog Essay

Internet / World Wide Web 

What, When, Why: The Internet

To put such a large idea into such simple words seems crazy, but in short, the Internet is defined as a worldwide system of computer networks. The creation of the internet can be accredited to 2 computer scientists, Vinton Cerf and Bob Kahn on January 1st, 1983. The Internet today can be used for anything, seemingly. It hosts hubs of all sorts, whether it be for shopping, doing homework, reading the news, or watching TV,  the internet can provide it all and more. This shows a crazy development due to the fact that the original purpose of the internet was simply for government researchers to share information. 

What, When, Why: The World Wide Web

Opened for public use in April of 1993, the World Wide Web was originally developed for a smaller use in 1989. It was created for automated sharing of information between scientists and universities across the globe. Tim Berners- Lee is the father of the World Wide Web, and his original creation has since snowballed into an application that the common man uses every day. The WWW is now used today for anyone to obtain any information they wish to know. 

Comparisons and Differences

The Internet and the World Wide Web can almost be looked at as one looks at a square and a rhombus. The World Wide Web needs the platform that the Internet provides, yet the Internet has multiple hubs just like the WWW. Simply, the World Wide Web is just one place to share and gather information, out of the several that the Internet supports. 

•  A Deeper Look at Websites

The first website was also created by Tim Berners-Lee, the father of the internet. He developed the internet within his work with CERN, which is also the name of the website. You can still access this website today, and the website now contains the history of the internet as well. 


Sources: › Demystified › Technology,%2FWWW%2FTheProject.html.


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