Post Card

For our recent project, we were assigned in designing a post card. I chose a place that is near and dear to my heart: my local beach town, Saint George Island. I grew up going to this beach and one of my childhood best friends' grandparents own some real estate on the island. Her grandmother used to show us old photos of the island before it grew, and one aspect has truly stayed the same since then: the lighthouse. You can tour the light house any time you want when you visit and it is smack dab in the middle of the island. I chose to use an image of the light house due to how iconic it is. 

For design, I went for simple because SGI is a very simple place. It's small and relaxed so I did a relaxed and "low maintenance" design. For the back, I also kept it simple. I made sure to include the "signing" lines that are very postcard-y.  I also included the abbreviation "SGI" because that is what the locals call it, and I think it added a nice touch.


  1. I really think this postcard is nice, it looks pretty professional and like something that could be found in a store as a souvenir. I like the simple colour palette and the choice of font.

  2. I really like the layout of this post card. The way that you separated the text around the light house looks super cool.


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