Hi! I’m Lucy Duke. I am originally from Alabama, but have been living in Florida for the past few years. My move to Tampa puts me only 4 short hours away from my hometown, Tallahassee. I have always enjoyed creating, whether that is drawing, painting, or sewing. I hope to add digital media to this list as I learn from this course!

I am a sophomore at the University of Tampa where I am currently studying Advertising and Public Relations. Why Ad/Pr you may ask? Well, I am very interested in all aspects of marketing, advertising, and what-not; However, my math skills are less than proficient so business marketing is off the table. But what I may lack in math-skills, I attempt to make up for in creativity, hence my selection of Advertising and Public Relations. FMX-210 is the first class I have ever taken that is of this ‘nature’ but I am very excited to give it a try!

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