
Showing posts from January, 2023

The Internet and the World Wide Web

Lucy Duke FMX Blog Essay Internet / World Wide Web  What, When, Why: The Internet To put such a large idea into such simple words seems crazy, but in short, the Internet is defined as a worldwide system of computer networks. The creation of the internet can be accredited to 2 computer scientists, Vinton Cerf and Bob Kahn on January 1st, 1983. The Internet today can be used for anything, seemingly. It hosts hubs of all sorts, whether it be for shopping, doing homework, reading the news, or watching TV,  the internet can provide it all and more. This shows a crazy development due to the fact that the original purpose of the internet was simply for government researchers to share information.  What, When, Why: The World Wide Web Opened for public use in April of 1993, the World Wide Web was originally developed for a smaller use in 1989. It was created for automated sharing of information between scientists and universities across the globe. Tim Berners- Lee is the father of the World Wid

Illustrator Homework #1

Having your first try at Illustrator and not having success can be frustrating, (I would know)! But do not fear, if you are in search of some tutorials, look no further- I have linked 3 great videos for beginners, such as myself, to help begin the navigation of Illustrator.  The ACTUAL Basics: Flow Studio produced this 5 minute tutorial that covers pretty much everything “Illustrator” starting from opening the application itself. It details the tools, the orientation of objects and images, and the likes.  The video is especially helpful if you have no prior knowledge on how to use Illustrator. It allows for a good baseline to build off of as you become more and more used to all of the components within Illustrator. It’s also only a 5 minute video, interestingly enough- Yet it perfectly covers everything for a newbie, just like me! Illustrator Pen: As someone who has just recently utilized the pen to
  Hi! I’m Lucy Duke. I am originally from Alabama, but have been living in Florida for the past few years. My move to Tampa puts me only 4 short hours away from my hometown, Tallahassee. I have always enjoyed creating, whether that is drawing, painting, or sewing. I hope to add digital media to this list as I learn from this course! I am a sophomore at the University of Tampa where I am currently studying Advertising and Public Relations. Why Ad/Pr you may ask? Well, I am very interested in all aspects of marketing, advertising, and what-not; However, my math skills are less than proficient so business marketing is off the table. But what I may lack in math-skills, I attempt to make up for in creativity, hence my selection of Advertising and Public Relations. FMX-210 is the first class I have ever taken that is of this ‘nature’ but I am very excited to give it a try!     Check out my ASCII profile photo!: